Why use GlobalMed?

For Patients

Find and talk to local doctors and health care professionals in your area, your state... or around the world. Choose from video, phone, in-home, or office visit. See if your insurance covers your Telemedicine visit with GlobalMed's proprietary TeleScore system.

For Providers

Acquire new patients from GlobalMed in your state or internationally. Set your pricing per session or per hour. Choose if you want to offer video, phone, in-home, or office consultations. Check eligibility and even bill for telemedicine consultations.

For Practices

Add providers and staff, manage permissions, invite patients, and start offering your patients telemedicine solutions. White label GlobalMed on your website (doctors.yoursite.com) and learn how to implement telemedcine in your practice.

For Facilities

We believe providers and practices are not the only ones that benefit from telemedicine. A pharmacies, lab, DME, or any other health care facility can now launch telemedicine for their patients.

For Businesses

Begin offering a supplemental Telemedicine plan to your employees or members. Learn about our proprietary PMPU model, and how we transform a typical 1% utilization to 100% utilization. White label the GlobalMed platform for your users (doctors.yourbusiness.com).

For Enterprise

GlobalMed Enterprise services health plans, hospitals, MSO’s, ACO’s, group practices, and other healthcare organizations. Our unique white label solutions, "Plugins" development platform, and custom API tools set us apart from others.

Featured Tools & Programs

EHR/EMR Integration

GlobalMed can be integrated with many leading EHR vendors including AthenaHealth, AdvancedMD, Allscripts, Cerner, DrChono, Epic, Greenway, GE Centricity, Kareo, Practice Fusion, and dozens of others.

First Telehealth Billing System

Create and print SuperBills, or even submit and manage your claims to payors via our proprietary TeleBill platform.

Remote Monitoring

Learn how to deploy and remote monitor patients with mHealth devices such as wireless scales, blood pressure devices, activity trackers (FitBit), and glucuse meters.